Artoonix 1.11

Artoonix 1.11

A simple to use yet powerful software to create cartoons or animated movies
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Latest version:
1.11 See all
9Spikes Software
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Awards (15)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award

Build your own animated movies or create cartoons from scratch with Artoonix: no more cardboards, paper or pencils. This program is really easy to use and you will be able to finish your task in a few days. Animate still images or drawings which can be imported from movies and scanned photos, add sound or music clips and export the results in a high quality movie format.

The interface is not very friendly looking, but still is simple to use and well organized. The program comes with six integrated animation samples; if you are new to this kind of software, you may open one of the existing samples and play with it before creating your own movie.

For each frame of the movie you will notice: its number, starting time, thumbnail and delay. Just right click inside a frame's area to bring up the context menu and explore. In the lower part of the window you can find the audio tracks available for your movie. Artoonix can import WAV and MP3 files, and can also record audio using a microphone. Artoonix also has a frame-based editor so the user can perform detailed modifications and has automated frame tweening to increase productivity. The output can be saved as a Flash .SWF or an animated .GIF file for web publishing or e-mailing, or as .avi

The user can import both still pictures in JPEG, GIF, BMP, WMF where transparency information is preserved; or import frames of any movie avi or animated GIF's. All in all, this is an excellent choice, simple and economic; though it has speed issues, and the shareware version pops up a nag screen and places a watermark on one's movies.

RI Senior editor
Raul Iniguez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Simple interface
  • Imports most common image formats
  • Outputs in Flash and Gif
  • Price


  • Trial version outputs with Watermark logo
  • Has processing issues

Comments (1)

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Endri MasOn Terpanaku
This app works correctly. Good

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